What is Contemporary Printmaking? By Loo Foh Sang 何谓现代版画? - 卢伙生

A Stream in Autumn 夏日小溪
Intaglio & Relief Monoprint 凹凸版单版

What is Contemporary Printmaking?

By Loo Foh Sang


Contemporary printmaking refers to the original prints created with intrinsic value. The Third International Congress of Plastic Arts, held in Vienna in 1960, formulated the “declaration on original works of graphic art” which encompasses the knowledge about prints, the standards, code, and formulae, and procedures for the knowledge of artistic value and trade practice in graphic art. Part of the content is as follows:


1.       The artists may use materials such as stone, wood, metal and silkscreen as plates for printmaking; images shall be printed on paper.

2.       Artists or those under the supervision of their masters should make prints from their original plates.

3.       Signing prints by the artist is usually done in pencil. The traditional practice is for the inscription to be placed under the image, with the signature and date or year on the right, the title in the middle and the number of edition on the left.


These regulations are adhered to in international print exhibitions, with the exception for monotype and monoprint works. All the participating artworks must be signed, dated and have the number of edition stated. However, as print has gained increasing recognition as a major art form in modern society, the above-mentioned stringent regulations on prints are gradually relaxed. Today even monoprint is accepted to the international print exhibitions. Monoprint, as the term “mono” implies, means only one print is produced.


In recent years, collectors have become confused about the originality of prints in the art market. Some prints are duplicated copies or reproduction of original oil paintings, watercolour paintings, drawings and even photographs. The prints have edition numbers and signatures of the artists or their descendants. The original artworks undoubtedly have intrinsic artistic value; however when they are made into prints for commercial purpose with high return, this will affect the value of the original artwork. The public should be clear about the differences between this kind of reproduction prints and the original print created by the print-maker.


Towards the 20th century, the advancement in science and technology has changed the mode of living and thoughts of mankind.


Malaysian Culture Series 马来西亚文化系列
Intaglio & Relief Monoprint 凹凸版单版

The emergence of alternative prints in various media of art creation has expanded the boundaries of print-making; literally any art form which has the characteristic of indirectness and repetition is encompassed as print. Thus, prints today comprise of monotype, monoprint, mixed media print and multiple print. Multiple print includes movie, photography, video and installation. On the other hand, artists exploring missed media print may experiment with various materials and technology such as video, computer graphics and pretty much anything under the sun for creating art. Hence, contemporary printmaking has marched into an era of mixed media in multiple disciplines. Print plays an important role among modern art media and the influence of print on other art forms is enormous.





现代版画指的是创作版画(Original Print),即具有纯粹艺术本质、富创造性的版画。依据1960年第三届维也纳国际造形艺术会议的决议,创作版画的定义如下:


1.       创作者可使用石版、木版、金属版和绢布等材质制版,把心中的意象借版材转印于画纸。


2.       创作者亲手或亲自监督,自其原版直接印制的作品。



3.       创作者有责任在完成的作品上签名,一般用铅笔左右下角写下限定张数 (Edition Number),左右下角签名和制作年代、日期等;中下位置可标明作品的题目。


国际版画展的参展规则必定有上述三项条规,且明文规定不接受单刷版画 (Monotype Monoprint)。参展作品除了作者签名,还需附上试版或限定版张次的记号。但,随着科技的进步及时代的改变,上述条规已逐渐放宽。目前,一些公开展览已接受单刷版画。因为单刷版画也具备版画的间接性特质,只是仅印刷一张而已。


近年来,世界各地的版画市场,充斥复制版画 (Estampe),价格也相当于创作版画,使观赏者和收藏者混淆,宜多加注意。






20世纪的自然科学与工业技术发展,几乎支配了人类的生活和思想。版画正是在科技冲击的时代下,综合“艺术与科技”的造形产物。广义而言,只要具备“间接性”或“复数形”其中一个特质,就称为版画。因此,有单刷版画、复合版画(Multiple)及并用版画 (Mixed Media)。复合版画是指有复数性的版画创作,包括:电影、摄影、录影或立体造形,并用版画是创作者随心所欲地并用各版种技法来表现自己的意象,包括现今常用的科技媒体,如影印、电脑、摄影等的创作,实有趋向复合媒体表现的现象。




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