Moment of Flourish - Monoprint



is a collection of Loo Foh Sang’s Prints from year 1996. In this Malaysia Culture Collection, he uses relief print technique and cut boards of skilled crafted figures, layout with selected nature foliage from Malaysia " This technique that I developed for monoprinting is to blend the materials used in the printing process with engraved paper boards used in the intaglio-relief monoprinting. The expressions of portraits, types of flowers or any objects forming part of the presentation in the artwork can be created on an engraved paper board. When this paper board is placed together with the materials, intaglio and relief effect will be created on a single plate." ~ Loo Foh Sang

                                                       For enquiry or purchase of artwork,

About Loo Foh Sang

For over 50 years, Loo Foh Sang has dedicated himself to developing the language of his art and to addressing certain limitations of traditional print methods. In the collection of works Loo Foh Sang developed in the Atelier, as evidenced in his late 1960s exhibition catalogue “Original Prints by Loo Foh Sang”, one can view a family of production emerging from working in the presence of S.W. Hayter. Hayter is known for his innovative work in the development of viscosity printing (a process that exploits varying viscosities of oil-based inks in laying three or more colours on a single intaglio plate). Following Hayter, who termed this as “simultaneous printing” Loo Foh Sang continued to produce and create innovative works.


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