Loo Foh Sang Printmaker Biodata 卢伙生版画艺术家资料

                               Biodata of Loo Foh Sang


Born in 1944 Gambang, Pahang. Studied at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore in 1963 till 1965. Furthered studies at the Ecole National Superieure des Beaux Arts (1966-1969). After graduation, remained in Paris and was accepted to understudy printmaking under the tutelage of Stanley William Hayter, the English printmaker who founded Atelier 17, the most influential print workshop of the 20th century (1967-1971). Devoted to the art of printmaking after completion studies at Atelier 17 and lived in Paris for 25 years.


Was in the jury panel of the 3rd International Triennial of Graphic Arts, Bitola, Macedonia in year 2000 and at the same time received an honorable award and became "In House Artist" for Romania Art Museum. In year 2009, received Asia-Pacific Art Gold Award and Global Gold Brand Award in 2010 & 2011.  In recent years, Loo was commemorated as the honorable winner at the Blossom Arts Festival Malaysia (2017) and Lifetime Achievement Award by Artespree (2018).  

1963, Loo Foh Sang’s work has been exhibited around the world with over 33 solo exhibitions, 50 over group exhibitions, including world renowned printmaking biannual exhibitions. Being in the art world for more than 50 years, he has been involved in various art media, combining oil painting, color ink painting, printmaking (copper etching, stencil printing, woodcut and single-printing) and sketching. From his numerous thousands of creations, we can see a beautiful portrayal of joy, anger, sorrow, joy and truth, goodness and beauty of his life.


Known as the Father of Malaysian Printmaking, Loo has had an expansive and remarkable career spanning five decades and counting. His works are collected by museums, corporations and private collectors in France, Belgium, Canada, Japan, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Italy, Ukraine, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia etc including the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris, Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, Montreal Museum and Kuala Lumpur's National Visual Arts Gallery.



1944年出生在马来西亚的甘孟乡村。 1965年毕业於新加坡南洋艺术学院。1966年留学法国巴黎国家高级艺术专科学院,同时拜师巴黎十七版画室的著名版画家坦雷.威廉.海特(Stanley William Hayter, 1901-1988)  学习最新的版画技法。 


1996年起曾主办过三届的马来西亚现代国际版画常年展。 2000 年被邀请为马其顿第三届国际版画展的评委员之一。同年,在罗马尼亚的现代美术博物馆被选为其特邀画家荣誉。 2009年亚太艺术金奖,2010年和2011年获得最有影响力全球金牌奖。近年来,被评为马来西亚花艺博物馆(2017年)和终身成就奖的荣誉奖 Artespree2018)。


1963年至今,共举办过三十三次个展,参与超过五十多次联展, 包括在世界各国举办的国际版画双年展。 在艺坛五十多年里,涉猎各艺术介,其综合了油画,彩墨画,版画(铜版腐蚀,绢印,木刻和单制版版画)和速写等媒介表,从其众多的创作中,可观其一生的喜,怒,哀,乐和真,善,美的意境。





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